Miracle NES w11
by Hebrewletters SL
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5.000 x 7.000 inches
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Miracle NES w11
Hebrewletters SL
Painting - Watercolor On Watercolor Paper
NES is from the Hebrew, meaning MIRACLE (Alcalay, R. The Complete Hebrew English Dictionary. Jerusalem: Massada. 1647).
Hebrew Bible source - ‘And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up together with Korach, when that company died, what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men: and they became a sign [nes]’ (Numbers 26:10).
‘Fine linen with embroidered work from Egypt was that which thou spread forth to be thy sail [[nes]]; blue and purple from the isles of Elisha was that which covered thee (Ezekiel 27: 7).
The Biblical meaning of [nes] was SOMETHING TO BE SEEN FROM AFAR, BANNER, STANDARD, SIGN (Gesenius, William. 1979. Tr. Samuel Tregelles. Gesenius' Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures Grand Rapids:Baker Book House. 552b).
Nes has come to mean MIRACLE in modern Hebrew (Zilberman, Shimon. 1983. The Up-To-Date English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English Dictionary. Jerusalem: Zilberman. 183).
Talmud – MISHNAH: THERE ARE FOUR NEW YEARS. ON THE FIRST OF Nisan [first month of the Jewish calendar - begins late March or early April] IS NEW YEAR FOR KINGS [if a document is dated with a certain year in a king's reign, the year is reckoned to have commenced in Nissan, no matter in what month the king came to the throne] AND FOR FESTIVALS. ON THE FIRST OF Elul [sixth month of the Jewish calendar] IS NEW YEAR FOR THE TITHE OF CATTLE. R. Eleazar AND R. Simeon, HOWEVER, PLACE THIS ON THE FIRST OF TISHRI. ON THE FIRST OF TISHRI [seventh month] IS NEW YEAR FOR YEARS, FOR RELEASE AND JUBILEE YEARS [reckoning the years of uncircumcision (Leviticus 19:23)., FOR PLANTATIONAND FOR [TITHE OF] VEGETABLES. ON THE FIRST OF SHEBAT [eleventh month] IS NEW YEAR FOR TREE (Rosh HaShana 2a).
Our Rabbis learnt: If a king ascended the throne on the twenty-ninth of Adar, as soon as the first of Nisan arrives [on the next day] he is reckoned to have reigned a year. If on the other hand he ascended the throne on the first of Nisan, he is not reckoned to have reigned a year till the next first of Nisan comes round (Rosh HaShana 2a).
If one sees the name Huna in a dream, a miracle [nes] will be wrought for him [The Hebrew for miracle [nes] , also contains the letter nun]. If one sees the name Hanina, Hananiah or Jonathan miracles [nesim]will be wrought for him [These names contain more than one nun] (Berachot 57a).
On leaving the bath-house what does he say? R. Aha said: I give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, my God, that Thou hast delivered me from the fire. R. Abbahu once went into the bathhouse and the floor of the bath-house gave way beneath him, and a miracle [nes] was wrought for him, and he stood on a pillar and rescued a hundred and one men with one arm. He said: This is what R. Aha meant [In saying that one should give thanks on emerging] (Berachot 60a).
For when the Greeks entered the Temple, they defiled all the oils therein, and when the Hasmonean dynasty prevailed against and defeated them, they made search and found only one cruse of oil which lay with the seal of the High Priest [Cohen Gadol], but which contained sufficient for one day's lighting only; yet a miracle [nes] was wrought therein and they lit [the lamp] therewith for eight days. The following year these [days] were appointed a Festival with [the recital of] Hallel [praise] (Psalms113-118) and thanksgiving [Psalms 113-118], recited on all Festivals] (Shabbat 21b).
kindling Tradition tells us that the engraving of the letters of the 10 commandments went all the way through the tablets - from the Tradition tells us that the engraving of the letters of the 10 commandments went all the way through the tablets - from the front side to the back side. Therefore the Samech, since it is completely closed, should have fallen out. Because it did not, R. Hisda said that it stood there be means of a miracle [nes] (Shabbat 104a).
If one sees the name Huna in a dream, a miracle will be wrought for him. The Hebrew for miracle, Nes, also contains the letter Nun. If one sees the name Hanina, Hananiah or Jonathan, miracles will be wrought for him [these names contain more than one nun] (Berachot 57a).
The Hebrew Letters featured in this painting are Nun Samech. Taken together, and reading from right to left, they spell NES.
Each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet has a special meaning and a story to tell. Here a few brief ones about the letters on this painting.
NUN is the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, has a numerical value of 50, makes a sound like the N in Now, and means SHINE, SPOUT, SPREAD in Hebrew and FISH in Aramaic. The Nun has the head of a Zayin. The body is an elongated Zayin.
The Nun is one of 5 letters: [Caf Mem Nun Pey Tsade] that have 2 forms - the regular [bent] form used in the beginning and middle of a word and the FINAL FORM,- SOFIT, used as the last letter of a word (Shabbat 4a).
According to the ancient kabbalistic text The Bahir, the bent Nun represents the spinal cord through which the body is fed by the brain (Kaplan, Aryeh. 1979. Tr. The Bahir . York Beach: Samuel Weiser. 31).
The final Nun represents, by its shape, man who walks erect, and who mystically combines male and female (Zohar 1984. Tr. Harry Sperling et al. New York: Soncino. 1:18b-19a. 80).
Sefer Yetzirah. The Book of Creation divides the Hebrew Letters into 3 categories:
3 mothers - Aleph Mem Shin,
7 doubles - Beit Gimel Dalet Caf Pey Resh Tav
and 12 elementals - Hey Vav Zayin Chet Zayin Tet Zayin Yud Zayin Lamed Nun Samech Ayin Tsade Kuf.
Nun is one of the elementals.
He [God] made the letter Nun king over smell and he bound a crown to it…
And then He formed
Scopio in the Universe
Chesvan in the Year
And the intestine in the Soul male and female
Kaplan, Aryeh. 1990. Sefer Yetzirah. The Book of Creation. York Beach: Samuel Weiser. 217).
Nun is one of 7 letters which may be adorned with Tagin, or little crowns, in the Torah, Tefillin, or Mezzuzah scroll. These are called the SHAYNAYZ GAYTZ letters [Shin, Ayin, Tet, Nun, Zayin, Gimmel, and Tsade] Each one of these letters contains a Zayin. A TAG is composed of 3 strokes which themselves look like little Zayins.
There is a wonderful story in Talmud, which describes Moses ascending to Heaven to find God occupied in affixing TAGGIN to the letters of Torah:
Rab Judah said in the name of Rab, When Moses ascended on high he found the Holy One, blessed be He, engaged in affixing coronets to the letters. [These are the Taggin, i.e., three small strokes written on top of the letters Shatnayz Gaytz in the form of a crown (Menachoth 29b).
Ashre, [Psalm 145:1-21), which is arranged alphabetically, except that the verse beginning with the letter Nun (N) is missing. R. Johanan says: Why is there no Nun in Ashre? [Because the fall of the enemies of Israel begins with it [Nephilim]. For it is written: Fallen is ‘nefal’ [Nun Pey Lamed], the virgin of Israel, she shall no more rise (Amos 5:2). R. Nachman b. Isaac says: Even so, David refers to it by inspiration [Literally ‘the Holy Spirit’]. The meaning is, David knew by inspiration that Amos was going to prophesy the downfall of Israel, and he refers to that verse and prophesies their being raised up again, [though their downfall is not mentioned by David] and promises them an uplifting. For it is written: The Lord upholdeth all that fall (Psalm 145:14; Berachot 4b).
Abaye said: he should eat fish, for Samuel said, Nun Samech Ayin [read] ‘Nuna’ [fish] ‘sama’ [are a healing] ‘la-enayim’ [to the eyes]! - That is at the end of the illness [Three letters of the Hebrew alphabet in order] (Nedarim 54b).
The Nun represents nourishment or nurturing tome. It is a gentle letter. In meditation this letter is generally stationary for me. If I want to travel around there are many other letters, Aleph Tet Caf Lamed Mem, to mention just a few. But if I want to be quiet and feel at peace, I ask the NUN to come. I sit in the curve, my head nestled under its head, and it rocks me with tenderness. It soothes my emotions and SHINES through me.
SAMECH is the 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, has a numerical value of 60, makes a sound like the S in Sun, is shaped like a circle and means SUPPORT, TO TRUST, TO RELY ON.
Tradition tells us that the engraving of the letters of the 10 commandments went all the way through the tablets – from the front side to the back side. Therefore the Samech, since it is completely closed, should have fallen out. Because it did not, R. Hisda said that it stood there be means of a miracle (Shabbat 104a).
Sefer Yetzirah. The Book of Creation divides the Hebrew Letters into 3 categories:
3 mothers - Aleph Mem Shin,
7 doubles - Beit Gimel Dalet Caf Pey Resh Tav
and 12 elementals - Hey Vav Zayin Chet Zayin Tet Zayin Yud Zayin Lamed Nun Samech Ayin Tsade Kuf.
Samech is one of the elementals.
He [God] made the letter Samech king over sleep and he bound a crown to it…
And then He formed
Sagittarius in the Universe
Kisley in the Year
And the Kivah [stomach] in the Soul male and female
Kaplan, Aryeh. 1990. Sefer Yetzirah. The Book of Creation. York Beach: Samuel Weiser. 217).
It must be ‘kethibah tamma’h [perfect writing]; the Mem as a Samech or the Mem as a Mem, closed [letters] open or open letters closed (Shabbat 103b).
[In the alphabet the letter Samech is followed by the Ayin]. Samech Ayin [means] support [Semach] the poor [aniyim] (Shabbat 104a).
Meditating with the Samech has been an interesting experience for me. I had the notion that the Samech would roll around and generally have a good time. I had been repeatedly surprised to find that the Samech, for me, is very calm. My Samech definitely does not roll around , at least not yet. But it does lie down and I am able to sit in it as though it were an inner tube and float on the ocean. It also becomes a swing and we sway back and forth. Let me know of your experience with the Samech.
September 4th, 2021
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